Friday, July 13, 2007

Firefox Extension: Delegate RTM

Here's a new Firefox extension—well, ok, maybe "repurposed" would be a better description—that adds an "Add to RTM" (that's Remember the Milk, the brilliant online task list service if you don't know) link to any message in gmail. You can see the link in the screenshot right next to this extension's big brother, DelegateGCal.

[Update: You can see what an extension newb (rhymes with boob) I am by not even knowing how to post it right! For now if you want to try this out, looks like you will have to right click and "save as" if you want to download it.]

[Update #2: Here is the extension on the official mozilla addons page (login required to access the "sandbox" area). If you download the extension, please add a review on the mozilla page so that I eventually can make this publicly accessible. -Thanks]

[Update #3 (last one I hope!): This extension is now available for public consumption on the official mozilla addons page. Enjoy!]

Clicking on the "Add to RTM" opens up a new gmail message window, prefilled with all of your RTM preferences and most importantly a link back to the message itself.

Credit to for the original implementation that this extension is blatantly ripped off from based on.

I welcome anyone to take this and run with it, modify it, hack it, or whatever else you can think of. My skills are a bit lacking in this area, but I'm sure that someone reading this will be able to improve upon my rough work. Off the top of my head, I'd love to see this working using the a slick popup widget; the original extension that this is based on uses a GreyBox popup window, but I couldn't get the Gmail compose window to be happy in one. Or maybe even better, what if clicking the "Add to RTM" button simply forwarded the message using the gmail forward functionality (no popup needed!)? I tried off and on for a week and just didn't have the javascript chops to get that worked out. If somebody else can, you will be my hero.

I learned a ton on this mini-project about firefox extension building and javascript, two new areas of development for me. Seems to me there are a lot of "head scratchers" in both!

I'd love to hear about what you make from this, so speak up!


Erik said...

The easiest way to do it once you have downloaded the actual .xpi file to your machine is to drag it over your firefox browser and drop it. Firefox should recognize it as an extension and prompt you to install it as normal. After that just restart firefox and you should now see the link on your gmail messages.

Erik said...

Someone pointed out to me that it works best when you typically send plain text messages in gmail. If you are using rich text, the message gets shoved into a RTM note instead of into the correct individual task fields.

The fix? Click on "plain text" and close the window. The next time you click on "Add to RTM", the generated email will be formatted correctly.

Will said...

very nice! Thanks for a useful extension.

Will said...

one problem though -- I think you meant to say "Inbox Email address" and not "Import Email Address" in the settings. I initially used my Import Email Address and it wouldn't work.

Will said...

never mind - I must be crazy - I checked again and it does say Inbox, not Import. I just get those confused. Maybe you could have it say "Inbox (NOT IMPORT)" ;-)

*tweeter* said...

This is awesome!!

I would love to have this for Google Calender!!

I'm completely illiterate when it comes to making something like this but extremely appreciative you took the time to do it!

If you ever get froggy & create one of these for Google Calender, let me know. I would be forever greatful!!


Anonymous said...

the new gmail broke the extention

PG said...

Any hope of updating this to work with the new gmail. Something that works like the Todoist delegate. There they give you a link directly in todoist that opens the mini gmail reader. Apparently the new gmail allows easy linking to individual messages(info at Anyway thanks for the original extension.

KJ said...

Yes, please do update the extension for new gmail if possible.

Unknown said...

ffx 3 :(

Unknown said...

Would be very nice to have this plugin work with the current FireFox 3.0.1. Any chance?

Anonymous said...

RTM for FF3.0.1 has my vote as well...

Special K said...

I desperately want the Firefox 3.0+ version of this extension. Please, please, please...

Anonymous said...

Yes, me too. If this ran in FireFox 3.03 I would use it everyday. Maybe the guys at RTM can work on this?

Anonymous said...

Do You plan to make this extension to Thunderbird too ?

Unknown said...

another request for Delegate RTM for FF3+

Unknown said...

I've filled in the preferences, but I don't see the links. Did the latest Gmail updates break this extension, or do I need to do something else to get it working?